We are COTE Business. We write the company’s and brand this way but some other way also like COTE BUSINESS. We never use initials like CB.
On occasion when shorter form is used or you might need to shorten our name please see: COTE is acceptable. We never use lower case in business communication and in letters. The only one exception is our public domain:
In oral and written communication we use a so-called informal business style of speaking yet a respectful manner of the language.
In general description or in the case of giving orientation we use a formal version of the communication: “COTE”.
But when the two-way communication is necessary we use the informal manner of it e.g. “we” and “you”.
Brand identity
Far more important for us is professionalism and cooperation. We are client-focused and our main priority is to understand our Clients and get through the challenges together.
We are keen on to build a well-established business partnership: we are organized and open to listen to questions.
Brand visual appearance
Brand icon: we do not use any logos. We use brand icon.
The colour our brand icon is: blue #1245e9
The font type our brand icon is: Conneqt regular
The colour of our website is: blue (#1245e9) and burgundy (#910f27)
Social Media
The only social media what we use is Instagram. Name of our business account is: cotebusinessofficial. Using it please see our Social Media Policy.